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Airs Monday through Saturday from 6 am to 8 am.
Hosted by Bill Fox every Saturday.
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Thought Radio™ banner Playlist for
Thought Radio™
the Saturday Edition of the AM/FM Show

Listen to WMUH on-line now.

Thought Radio™ is hosted by Bill Fox and is the Saturday edition of The AM/FM Show. You can expect to hear electronic, ambient, spacemusic, Progressive Rock, and an eclectic mix of other genres. The show airs from 6:00 am to 8:00 am EST/GMT-5 on WMUH Allentown, 91.7 FM and streaming on the internet.

Show #731
February 1, 2025.
Playlist on Bill's Blog
WMUH's Playlist on Spinitron
You can listen to any WMUH program at Spinitron for two weeks after the program airs.
On this program, you heard new music by Craig Padilla on OtherSide
Records, by Cosmic Ground on Studio Fleisch Records, and by Dino Pacifici
on Scorpio Rising Music. This week's EM Flashback was Sounds of 1000
Pictures (1994) by Mark Baechtle on Theatre of the Mind.

Phase I/Space:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
Mark Baechtle        Exposed               Sounds of 1000 Pictures
                                             (Theatre of the Mind)
Craig Padilla        Riding the Cosmic     The Pulse of Life (OtherSide)
Cosmic Ground        Part Seven            Area 24 (Studio Fleisch)
Cosmic Ground        Part Eight            Area 24 (Studio Fleisch)
Dino Pacifici        The Solar Wind        Beyond the Solar Influence
                                             (Scorpio Rising)

Phase II/Eclectic:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
Tim Morse            Remembrance           Soundtracks (Cymbalick Music)
Tim Morse            Cityscape             Soundtracks (Cymbalick Music)
Allison Burik        As the Norms Weave    Realm (none)
Peter Sterling       The River Runs Deep   Heaven Send (Harp Magic Music)

Phase III/Progressive Rock:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
Karl Eisenhart       An 80s Youth          Lessons (Everything to Excess)
Karl Eisenhart       Eight Things          Lessons (Everything to Excess)
Shiver Meets         Functional *          Volume 1 (Discus)
  Matthew Bourne
Eyestrings           Empty Box             Burdened Hands (Progrock)
Alan Morse           Cold Fusion *         Four O'clock and Hysteria
                                             (InsideOut Music)

 * = excerpt
 + = Advanced CDR from artist
VA = Various Artists (compilation)
 x = Aborted by CD player
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