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Hosted by Bill Fox every Saturday.
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Thought Radio™
the Saturday Edition of the AM/FM Show

Listen to WMUH on-line now.

Thought Radio™ is hosted by Bill Fox and is the Saturday edition of The AM/FM Show. You can expect to hear electronic, ambient, spacemusic, Progressive Rock, and an eclectic mix of other genres. The show airs from 6:00 am to 8:00 am EST/GMT-5 on WMUH Allentown, 91.7 FM and streaming on the internet.

Show #730
January 25, 2025.
Playlist on Bill's Blog
WMUH's Playlist on Spinitron
You can listen to any WMUH program at Spinitron for two weeks after the program airs.
On this program, you heard new music by Radio Massacre International
on Cuneiform Records, by Xan Alexander on Otherside Records, and by Aperus
on Geophonic Records. This week's EM Flashback was Waterbase (1997) by
Gina Balducci.

Phase I/Space:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
Gina Balducci        Moonlake              Waterbase (none)
Radio Massacre       Part 2                Galactic Furnace (Cuneiform)
Xan Alexander        Horn of Monoceros     Ouroboros II (Otherside)
                       I - II - III
Aperus               For Us It's Probably  Lost Tribe of the Shadow
                       Too Late              (Geophonic)
Aperus               A Debt to Our         Lost Tribe of the Shadow
                       Ancestors             (Geophonic)
Aperus               Graffiti Ghosts       Lost Tribe of the Shadow

Phase II/Eclectic:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
Tanner Christian     Improvisation         For My Brothers and Sisters
  Gesek                                      (Heart Dance)
Charles Szczepanek   Thinking Bout You     Facets of Love (Heart Dance)
Charles Szczepanek   For Rigsby            Facets of Love (Heart Dance)
Charles Szczepanek   Holding Hands         Facets of Love (Heart Dance)

Phase III/Progressive Rock:

ARTIST               TRACK                 ALBUM (label)
==================== ===================== ===============================
Karl Eisenhart       An Old Photograph of  Lessons (Everything to Excess)
                       the Future
Karl Eisenhart       Downstream            Lessons (Everything to Excess)
Karl Eisenhart       Blue Flags            Lessons (Everything to Excess)
3 Below              Hard Winds            Live in Mérida (7d Media)
3 Below              Forest Floor          Live in Mérida (7d Media)
3 Below              Big Fungus            Live in Mérida (7d Media)
Stick Men            Larks Tongue in Aspic Woodlands Tavern (Iapetus Music)
                       Pt. II
Alan Morse           Cold Fusion           Four O'clock and Hysteria
                                             (InsideOut Music)

 * = excerpt
 + = Advanced CDR from artist
VA = Various Artists (compilation)
 x = Aborted by CD player
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